When we think about rankings and traffic and SEO, most of our thoughts are often centered on producing written content. Many overlook the power of video and how videos can explode your website traffic. Brand’s who have a successful video marketing strategy know exactly who their target audience is. No matter what industry you are in, understanding who your video is targeting is key.
If predictions by Crisco are accurate, then by the year 2021 (only a mere 3 years away at the time of this writing), a massive 80% of all online traffic will be a direct result of video!
That’s an enormous figure to wrap your head around when there is always so much focus on written content to generate relevant website traffic.
The fact is, people are essentially getting lazier to read and would much rather watch and listen to a video that reads masses of text. Even when people do read text-based content online, they tend to skim for the “good bits” rather than read the entire article word for word.

Videos also find favor when it comes to Google rankings. Often the very first results for a Google search will be at least several YouTube videos on the subject. YouTube is also currently rated as the internet’s second-biggest search engine behind Google. That speaks volumes about the popularity and power of video when it comes to business, marketing, and getting relevant traffic back to your website and sales pages.
In fact, YouTube visitors and content have shot up a whopping 60% just in the last year alone, and there is no indication that the mass exodus over to video is going to slow down anytime soon.
The bottom line is that if you are not yet taking advantage of video and making full use of platforms such as YouTube, you will be shooting yourself in the foot down the track. Now is as good a time as any to get started.
Cash In On Video In 2018 and Beyond
Start creating some YouTube videos based on your existing written website content. Videos don’t have to belong. Shorter and to the point is often more effective. You could write a simple 60 second or 2-minute script from your existing content, produce a half-decent video with either your smartphone, a camera, or one of the many programs available online and you’re away.
Create a YouTube channel for your business and start uploading each video as you produce it. Because YouTube is basically a giant search engine, selecting quality keywords to use in the title of the video and its description is also vital for SEO. Within the video itself and placed within the description, you can link back to content on your business website.
The more videos you have uploaded the better you will do, and the more chance you have of developing a following. Once you have YouTube videos based on your website content, it’s also a good idea to embed the video into the content as well.
Even if you are not comfortable doing your own videos, there are plenty of freelancers out there who specialize in producing quality videos for marketing or just about any purpose. And their prices are reasonable too.
Google owns YouTube, so the search giant favors videos that are on the YouTube platform.
These days it only makes sense to take full advantage of what works, and video has proven to be a prolific source of traffic in recent years. Imagine the possibilities if several of your videos go viral.

Now is the ideal time to get started. Don’t get left behind in the race to the top. Start incorporating video into your content marketing mix.
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